Contents of the "airborne" Seminars and Workshops
Core contents of all available seminars and trainings are techniques and tools that our experts have extracted from aviation professions and apply them abstracted to other branchs:
A Master Guideline for Larrge Scale Projects: Methodology of Test Pilots
Systematics of expansion of flight envelope / (domain expansion?) - What to do if the new business sector provides uncomfortable surprises.
Iron-Horse Techniques - modular test applied to complex activities
- Forward-looking delegation of "real" responsibiblity
Transfer of Techniques from Aero-Engineering to Management:
Engine Trend Monitoring - which early detection opportunities do I have in my own company.
Hazard Assessment - the story of dependancies - how to see thru the puzzle.
FMEA - curiousity in discovering system inherent weak spots.
Indication Systems in aviation - abstracted as early warning indicator in economic systems.
Techniques from the Airline-Pilots for Decision Management and Safe Business Management:
Flight to the Alternate - the perfect exit strategy as elementary module for every Management.
Interlaced Communication - how to ensure vital communication.
Dead-Man Reaction - who is authorised to decide under what condition - if the decision maker seems incapacitated.
Steering Priorities - organize operating procedures like pilots.
Plan "B " and plan for the day after - In business operation, also plan for "after" the incident.
Listen to them! - get to know things today which will be essential tomorrow.
Risk Controlling: Experience from Cockpit Development Projects:
Utilize chances - which type of enterprise manages is most suitable.
The "greyzone" the hidden risk - the responsibility for revealing.
Leverage in the project: Risks by delay.
Our insights are not based on air accidents - but on successful flights. We show you how to benefit accordingly.
Our Workshops

The emphasis is on the transfer of especially selected "airborne" Management Methods to the various types of enterprises of the participants.
Compared to Seminar 2 the participants benefit not only from the airborne system but also from the perception of other branches. "Spinn-Off" benefits from other branches are identified.

Transfer of the "airborne" Methods to Managament-Issues of the enterprises booking the course.
Participants are working on their most important projects during the course. Methods and solutions are prepared.
Intensifying of the "airborne" Methods through active participation in Demoflights
In this course, participants have the possibility to fly with us in the cockpit of a turbine aircraft. During this flight (instrument flight) they fly in the same airspace as airliners and can listen to their radio communication at the same frequency. The groups are held small enough and enable every participant to watch the cockpit work.
The participants are shown the various redundance- and riskreduction design characteristics of the aircraft.
After an extensive briefing, participants follow the cockpit work of the pilot during a common demonstration flight. demonstrated methods are illustrated handouts.
Through the experience in-air at first hand the learned KnowHow remains in memory much longer and has a much higher probability to enter daily routine.
Therefore the flight is no luxury but simply avoids repetition seminars and safes the value of the seminar effectively for the enterprise.
Precondition for the Risk Management in Projects - Intensive Course is the participation in seminar 1, 2 or 3.
In this continuative seminar you can get certified as Risk Manager.
The safe application of tools for Risk Managers is trained.
Risk Management has to be verifiably secured in Incorporated Companies and big Limited Liability Companies for attestations in balances. Learn more below.
The successful and manifoldly approved Risk Management-Methods from aviation can be transferred to almost all other branchs.
In this course with concluding Certificate the participants extend their knowledge and evaluation ability from the Management Workshop.
With the help of case studies the Know-How is intensified and Reporting-Possibilities are analysed. Afterwards you have the possibility to participate in the examination to the Risk Manager and to certify yourself.
This course considers the standard ISO 31000.
I. Risk Management - Processes
Risk Management-planning
Identifying Risk
Analyse Risk / qualitatively
Categorise Risk
Prioritise Risk
Analyse Risk / quantitatively
Controlling Risk
Develope counteractive measures
Perform counteractive measures
Evaluate Risk consecutively / Risk Cockpit
Early detection of Risk
II. Quantitative & numeric Methods of Risk Management
III. Established Risk Management (RM) Methods & Process Flows
IV. Examination and Certifying as Risk Manager
Risk Reporting
Risk Management is Teamwork. The best is if Risks are evaluated by several Project People and Decision Makers.
Risk Management required by law
The necessity of an effective Risk Management System has been prescribed and determined by law since years. In following a collection of the most important international standards regarding Risk Management are listed:
1997: |
CAN/CSA Q850 Risk Management |
2002: |
TransPuG (AktG, HGB): Ausweitung der Prüfungspflicht des RFS |
1998: |
KonTraG (AktG, HGB): unternehmensweites RFS und Risikobericht |
2004: |
COSO ERM Enterprise Risk Management Framework |
1999: |
IDW Prüfungsstandard 340: Prüfung des RFS |
2004: |
ONR 49000 ff. Risikomanagement für Organisationen und Systeme |
2000: |
HGrG §53: Prüfung des RFS bei "öffentlichen Unternehmen" |
2004: |
AS/NZS 4360: 2004 Risk Management |
2000: |
BS-6079-3: 2000 Project management, business related risks |
2004: |
BilReG (HBG): Risikomanagementziele, Chancenberichterstattung |
2001: |
JIS Q 2001 Guidelines for development and implementation |
2005: |
DRS 15 Lageberichterstattung |
2001: |
DRS 5 Risikoberichterstattung |
2005: |
MaRisk (Mindestanforderungen an das RM von Finanzdienstleistern) |
2002: |
Sarbanes Oxley Act, 404: Internal Control over Financial Reporting |
2008: |
ISO 31000 Risk Management |
2002: |
Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex (jährliche Anpassung) |
2009: |
BilMoG (AktG, HGB) |
Source: TU Dortmund Prof. Dr. Hoffjan
Essential for the overall risk development of an enterprise are those risks that hide in the significant projects. The identification and controlling of project risks contributes to the reduction of the enterprise´s risks at relevant sites.
The following types of companies are affected by the prescriptions and rules:
- Incorporated Companies
- Big Limited Liability Companies and enterprises that plan a flotation
Get yourself certified in time!
