Frequently Asked Questions


Can a Procedure that is deployed by a Pilot easily be translated to an enterprise?

  • not applicable 1:1 because of different topics, but in the way that intense training leads to certain mechanisms, behaviours and procedures which create increased safety while handling changing conditions
  • with few time and training an optimization of behaviour can be initiated for the participants. Regarding projects a transculturation is possible that may create safety degrees similar to aviation
  • the analysis of all aspects of scenarios analogue to the Preflight Briefing helps to recall known behaviour in critical situations and increases safety for the individual as well as for the team. An individual course participant will lateron increase the team efficiancy

What is the Benefit of Pilot´s Education for the enterprise?

  • There is no pilot education performed in the course
  • Pilot´s reaction mechanisms help to carry out behaviour and procedures almost unconsciously and thus increase the safety regarding decision making. These elements are adapted to specific enterprise situations / decisions during the course
  • in this kind of training techniques from aviation industry and -development with each the same significance are consulted

Aren´t the techniques of aviation industry (development, pilot education) extraneous to companies?

  • the seminars following the "airborne"-Management concept offer exactly this transfer benefit
  • while working out the seminar contents the non-transferable subjects were filtered out. The many remaining, cross-sector applicable techniques are offered to be translated into your company
  • thru the techniques of aviation the aircraft, basically known as rather insecure system, became the safest means of transport. This was possible because standardised procedures and certain techniques of behaviour increase safety enormously
  • also in enterprises the techniques from aircraft development, testing of prototypes, operating aircraft and the methods of Air Transport Pilots can be adapted perfectly
  • similar to a flight an enterprise is exposed to constantly changing determining factors on which appropriate reaction is essential
  • aviation offers tools which the professional deploys for the enterprise´s success

Can you give an Example how an Enterprise can benefit from a Technique of the daily Work of an Air Transport Pilot?

  • pilotes have an important guideline: aviate, navigate, communicate!
  • It defines a clear sequence for the flight in case of a failure – first the flight will be continued and all life-sustaining conditions will be priorised. Then will be navigated - it will be determined who will take care of the failure and its elimination. Finally will be communicated, e.g. with the crew, air traffic control and / or the passengers.
  • Translated to an enterprise this means that if a serious problem occurs not all ressources will be involved in its solution. Furhtermore all scheduled activities will be continued. Specialists will be involved into the problem and its solution and only they work on it. If they have a clear picture regarding the situation and possible solutions they will communicate. This prevents in-time and in-budget activities from being disturbed by the upcoming problem.

Risk Management is rather annoying and seen reluctantly.

  • Risk Management practiced in aviation is a permanent balancing of risiks - but also the conscious utilisation of opportunities
  • such a behaviour pattern implemented in all participants allows a conscious handling of risks and at the same time use of opportunities which appear out of permanently changing determining factors
  • thus the Risk Manager becomes a motor for the enterprise who acts "life securing" in the sense of risk avoidance and incentive in the sense of showing opportunities

The Demo-Flight is unnecessary and rather has Event-Character / is Holiday?

  • the optional Demo-Flight is an important element of the course that ensures the intensifying and internalisation of the issues learned in theory
  • the Demo-Flight is - because of the experience of an extraordinary situation - like a „Training in Fast Motion“. It leads to a higher learning effect as the techniques are transmitted to the unconscious
  • because of the physical experience learned contents are grounded in the participant long-ranging. In similar situations he will draw on these behaviours and methods more frequently
  • the training inflight ensures that within short time a lot of contents can be communicated and absorbed as well as grounded in the participants long-ranging. Less repetitions are needed what saves seminar costs for the enterprise
  • our experience shows that the interest in the aircraft / in flying  increases learning motivation significantly

What is Airborne Management – what is provided by the Seminar?

  • in the context of seminars and enterprise-specific workshops Airborne Management provides and communicates

    •  transfer of methods that have made aviation be the most secure means of traffic and
    •  methods to recognize opportunities and transmit them to project development
  • With the help of the seminar and optional workshops important techniques and manners of the daily work of pilots and aviation industry are learned and trained. They can be used for daily work in the company in order to allow safe management of risks as well as using chances that appear.

Do you have a core content referring to Airborne Management Seminars?

  • Managers learn from Air Transport Pilots
  • Decision Management must be lived - this means that projects have to be stopped under certain circumstances. Sometimes, however, projects have to be initiated, even if they look too risky to laymen.

Can the start-up of a company be compared with a test flight?

  • only limitedly – during the first flight of an aircraft and at the first day of a project´s start the risk is least, because everything is described and tested and usually the environmental conditions are perfect
  • only through new actions the conditions will change and the risks increase
  • with the successfull start of a company new risks arise through fast growth; they have nothing to do with the innovative idea but with organizational, financial and personal challenges
  • Decision Management is forced to watch and judge the development, if applicable describe and suggest alternative activities and show opportunities

Aren´t methods like briefing only repetitions and rather annoying than useful?

  • explicitly NO – used in the right way briefing offers the opportunity of additional learning and get to know new things. It is not only a one-way-communication but contains suggestions of other participants - what makes the reaction on suddenly changimg conditions safer

For whom do the Airborne Management Seminars and Workshops make sense?

  • for Managers who want to get a new view on current issues as well as on concrete methods and advise for activities
  • for Executive Managers who are presented known methods in another context - or completely new methods and manners from aviation - and thus reach to a higher learning effect
  • Project Manager who learn methods from aviation industry in order to manage risks and use opportiunities
  • Risk Managers who get the opportunity to enlarge their knowledge and with the help of the workshops learn to adapt methods and manners from aviation industry to concrete company situations
  • Companies in general who want to give their Managers / Executive Managers / CEO´s a new view on the issue company management. With this view risk avoidance and control through newly upcoming or changing conditions as well as using opportunities are put in the foreground

What makes the Airborne Management Seminar unique?

Unique is the transfer of methods and manners from

  • the daily work of professional air transport pilots and the Crew-Management
  • development of aircraft
  • the work of test pilots

combined with the successfull work and experience of the businessman Stefan Unzicker who developped innovative cockpit equipment for planes and helicopters - at a time where nobody believed in their producibility and supposed experts disadvised him because of the too high risk.

In addition the seminar series – if booked – offers the possibility to train the learned in the aircraft / inflight in fast motion.

Here you will learn

  • to expect threatening events at any moment, but also opportunities
  • to anticipate the solution of problems
  • to exploit opportunities that others don´t use
  • to create highest decision safety